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2.5. User ranks

2.5. User ranks

Rank selection

Users are labeled by so called "user ranks". Apart from a rank name, users are marked with a rank image. There are fixed defined ranks, they will be assigned optionally for a certain performance (e.g. after 900 points), for certain groups (e.g. member of the team), of for the gender.

Under Edit profile you can select your user rank. Additionally, users may have an individual title.


Users get points for their activity. You get points if you create content that is visible for other users. You will get 10 points for a new thread and 5 points for a new post for example.

Examples for user ranks

By default the following ranks exist:

Rank name
Rank image
Administrator Administrators 0
Super Moderator Super Moderators 0
Moderator Moderators 0
Beginner Registered User 0
Trainee Registered User 300
Intermediate Registered User 900
Professional Registered User 3,000
Master Registered User 9,000
Sage Registered User 15,000