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Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 11:27am г.

2.6. Friends and ignored users

2.6. Friends and ignored users

Friend management


You can add other users of this page as friends to keep the contact to them for example. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Under Edit profile » Management » Friends you just enter the usernames you want to add to your friend list. You can cancel existing friendships or accept friendship requests.
  2. If you visit the profiles of other users you will also find the option to accept the user as a friend.

In any case the friendship request must be accepted by the other user. If you open another user profile you can see your connection to that user. In your settings you will also find options to show specific information only your friends.

Ignored users

If you are feeling bothered by other members, just add them to your ignore list. Now those members cannot send you messages and view your public profile. You cannot see content created by these users and their posts are displayed minimised.

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